
Trail Marking

June 19, 2017

The East of Poland Cycling Trail Green Velo will be marked along its entire length with metal plates in a distinctive orange colour.

The East of Poland Cycling Trail Green Velo will be marked along its entire length with metal plates in a distinctive orange colour. These signs were introduced by a regulation of the Ministers of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy and Internal Affairs of 24 July 2013, amending the regulation on road signs and signals. The impetus for the introduction of a new marking system, which will also be used by designers of other cycling trails in Poland, was the implementation of the "Cycling Trails in Eastern Poland" project.


A square sign R4 measuring 20x20 cm marks the course along the trail and at intersections. In the central part of the sign, there is a symbol of a bicycle with the colourful logo of the trail directly beneath it. Sign R4b is a directional arrow showing the course of the trail at the intersection. Signs R4c, R4d and R4e are additional marking elements displaying the distances to major villages on the route and indicating the course of other cycling trails that cross the Green Velo route.

At Biker Service Areas (BSAs), transportation hubs, cycling route nodes and major tourist attractions there are distinctive green information boards with the Green Velo logo. Each BSA is also marked with a banner, visible from afar, displaying the name of a given location. This signage is complemented by infographics providing information about the whole trail and the many opportunities it offers.

In addition, there are several connecting routes along the trails that provide access to transportation hubs and major tourist attractions near the trail. These are marked with R4 signs displaying a black logo of the trail and the number of a given route. The first digit of the route number corresponds to the voivodeship in which the route starts and the next two constitute the unique identifier of a given route:

Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodeship: 101, 102 etc.
Podlaskie voivodeship: 201, 202, 203 etc.
Lublin voivodeship: 301, 302, 303 etc.
Subcarpathian voivodeship: 501, 502, 503 etc.
Świętokrzyskie voivodeship: 501, 502, 503 etc.

This system allows for the addition of future trail branches and connections in a way that both ensures the clarity of signage and is convenient for cyclists in Eastern Poland.

Rozwój Polski Wschodniej Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej 2007-2013